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7 benefits of one-way video interviewing | ScreeningHive


Over the years, video interviews have been famous for businesses of all sizes, and employees, like you, have seen the benefits. Throughout the initial stage of training, they save precious time and money and streamline the recruiting process. Naturally, every recruiting team and organization has its own special needs.


Let us find out what software benefits video interview could well revolutionize your recruitment process:


  1. Decrease interview arrangement efforts

    You may eventually go back and forth for days or weeks via Email to try to find a suitable time for a person as you want to get 20 people in face to face interviews. The scheduling arrangement is like a complicated puzzle.

    In particular, one-way video interviews reduce the headache of this aspect of the recruiting process as they allow applicants to respond to questions when necessary. Hiring managers and their team will then review the responses when they have replied to each schedule.

  2. Allow the interviews more descriptive

    It is a challenge to determine when it comes to deciding the best candidate for that position since the interview process is not consistent.

    One-way video interviews can help to solve this issue. It simplifies the entire procedure to be completely consistent. You set default questions for each applicant, so you only have to compare these answers when it is time to make decisions. You have a record of the answers, and everyone involved in the recruiting process has the same experience.

  3. Get a full idea before making big decisions

    Many who are interested in recruiting are quickly aware of the expense, particularly when dealing with long-haul talents. You may have to fly them in and pay for meals and hotel rooms if you want these specialists to come in for an interview. Video interviewing firms also remove the high interest associated with early hiring.

    Those who want to recruit know the costs rapidly, particularly in the field of long-term talent. If you want these specialists to enter for an interview, you might have to fly and pay for food and hotel rooms. Video interviewing firms often remove the growing interest in early recruitment.

  4. Can see the technical command of the applicant

    Irrespective of the open position, you eventually want a new contract to have some knowledge of technology. The video interview program helps you to test your knowledge of the technology right away. In a subtle way. There is a Red Flag from the beginning of a candidate who is not prepared to use tools.

  5. Notice the body language and nonverbal signals

    Some employee managers are depending on telephone interviews with vets before they want to have a conversation in person. Although telephone interviews are an efficient way of deciding if a person will obtain an interview, there is no real-life look at the applicant in a telephone conversation.

    Video interviews allow you to see the body language, facial expressions, and overall appearance of a nominee. Such indicators will help you to build a picture of how they fit in with your company.

  6. Helpful for the candidates

    There's a lot of pressure to give an intelligent and wise reply as quickly as possible when you are sitting across from a hire manager (or sometimes multiple managers in the panel interview situation).

    Any of these issues can be overcome by video interviews. It gives you the time to consider your answer, make sure that you say what it means, and provide the best answer to the question put to you. If you can put yourself in your best light during your screening process, you will rely on your best if selected for a personal interview later in the process of recruiting.

  7. Remove stressors linked to interviews in individuals

    In addition to the obvious pressure of going to an interview personally, many candidates are nervous about other aspects. Like, Are they going to locate the office? How is the situation going to be with the parking? Will they encounter other client members?

    The technology of video interviews gives both job seekers and managers several advantages. It is a valuable forum that makes the recruiting process for companies easier.

So these were some of the major benefits of using video interview software. Everyone should start using this revolutionary technology option of doing interviews without face-to-face contact. To know more about video interviews, click here!




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